Thirty Years of Studies in World Christianity
Read more: Thirty Years of Studies in World ChristianityAlexander Chow, co-editor of Studies in World Christianity, celebrates the journal's 30th anniversary by looking to its history and future.

Film Stardom and Film-Philosophy
By Lucy Bolton This special issue of Film-Philosophy on film stardom is designed to do two things: to demonstrate the philosophical questions at the heart of many elements of studying and understanding actors as stars, and hopefully to provoke more…

The Past as Prologue on Presidential Privilege
As the Mueller investigation comes to a close, Kevin M. Baron looks to the history of the Freedom of Information Act and finds that the battle between Congress and the White House is nothing new.

Stick ‘em Up: How a South African Horror Film Prophesied Apartheid’s Road to Nowhere
By Calum Waddell Last year’s superior possession shocker Hereditary (from director Ari Aster) and the recent release of Jordan Peele’s Us has resulted in a new term, ‘elevated horror’, being introduced into the critical lexicon, much to the chagrin of…

Five Reasons why the Middle East Matters for World Christianity
Events such as the Arab Spring and the civil war in Syria have brought Middle Eastern Christians into the public eye in Europe and North America. Yet the academic field of World Christianity still gives little attention to the Middle…

What did Virginia Woolf really think about Holy Week and Easter? (4 of 4)
Jane de Gay discusses what Virginia Woolf really thought about Easter in a series of blog posts throughout Holy Week.

What did Virginia Woolf really think about Holy Week and Easter? (3 of 4)
Jane de Gay discusses what Virginia Woolf really thought about Easter in a series of blog posts throughout Holy Week.

What did Virginia Woolf really think about Holy Week and Easter? (2 of 4)
Jane de Gay discusses what Virginia Woolf really thought about Easter in a series of blog posts throughout Holy Week.

What did Virginia Woolf really think about Holy Week and Easter? (1 of 4)
Jane de Gay discusses what Virginia Woolf really thought about Easter in a series of blog posts throughout Holy Week.

Clausewitz and Civil–Military Relations
Many readers of On War have taken Clausewitz’s discussion of the ‘logic’ of war tending to ‘extremes’ and concluded that he believed that, if a state were going to wage war, the only sensible way to do it would be…