Provost Pawkie’s Travels in Time: The Provost, by John Galt
Read more: Provost Pawkie’s Travels in Time: The Provost, by John Galtby Caroline McCracken-Flesher In Provost Pawkie’s Gudetown readers hear the town clock tick just once. The city fathers gather at […]
Ben Jonson on the Internet
CounterText 8.1 – The Mimetic Condition
When Pashto Became Divine
by William E. B. Sherman O you mangled souls: fear the sigh of the dervish.It’s a sigh exhaled by passioned love for Godthat burns the mountains to ash like straw.…If you see with the eye of your heart,everywhere will you…
Stands Scottish Literature Where It Did? Revisiting Devolution
Five things you (probably) didn’t know about crossroads
Q&A with Patrick O’Connor
Q. Tell us a bit about your book A. Cormac McCarthy, Philosophy and the Physics of the Damned is really a book about the importance of philosophy for literature. In it, I look at how one writer uses philosophy to…
Poetry and the Dream of a Gift without Return
An extract from “Wasted Innocence: Children and Childhood in Cao Xueqin’s Dream of the Red Chamber”
by Xiaofei Shi and Labao Wang Does Chinese children’s literature have a prehistory? While it is presumptuous to date the history of Chinese children’s literature all the way back to the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317–420) when the tale ‘Li Ji’…
The Library of Comfort
by Jürgen Pieters The painting on my new book’s cover was made by the Viennese artist Friedrich Frotzel (1898-1971). Its title – ‘The Old Bookcase’ – makes it even more appropriate. The library of comfort, as I make clear in…