• Looking down a round tunnel with strip lights and a small doorway at the far end.

James Joyce and the two McCarthys

by Derek Attridge There are two names in the subtitle of my book Forms of Modern Fiction: Reading the Novel from James Joyce to Tom McCarthy. One of these is less well-known than the other; in fact, for many readers,…

Digital Humanities research in Africa

by Emmanuel Ngué Um The main challenge facing Digital Humanities research in Africa is the race to catch up with a global trend, where digitization is increasingly present at the intersection of knowledge and society. This race is taking place…

Why You Should Read Allan Ramsay’s ‘The Gentle Shepherd’

What Scottish play, published in 1725, reached over 100 printings by 1800, was called ‘the noblest pastoral’ by Robert Burns, inspired more than forty paintings, more than ‘from the entire works of Chaucer, Defoe, Swift, Richardson, or Fielding’ (R. Altick, Paintings from Books), and was performed by amateur companies throughout Scotland as late as the end of the 19th century?