Fr John Morrison: defender of an island’s cultural heritage and faith
Read more: Fr John Morrison: defender of an island’s cultural heritage and faithNeil Bruce on the inspiration behind his new featured article in The Innes Review.
Venus Voluptas: The Desire of Gods and Men
Rediscovering the Wonder of Philosophy
Wonder is largely absent as a topic of concern to contemporary philosophers. Yet ancient philosophers saw it as the source of what was distinctive in their way of thinking. Plato and Aristotle thought that it was the stirrings of wonder…
Q&A with Stephen Bowman, Author of The Pilgrims Society and Public Diplomacy, 1895–1945
Tell us a bit about The Pilgrims Society and Public Diplomacy, 1895–1945 My book is about the Pilgrims Society, which is an elite dining club that was founded in London in 1902 and in New York in 1903. Not many…
For F’s Sake: Theresa May, Falling Letters and the Philosophy of Signs
At the recent Conservative Party conference in Manchester, Theresa May’s speech turned into the stuff of every presenter’s nightmares, something both ironic and apposite, given that her main theme was the return to the ‘British dream’. I don’t want to…
An Intricate Transatlantic Triangle: US, UK and German Relations
Since the Federal Republic of Germany’s admission into NATO in 1955, German–American relations have been a cornerstone of transatlantic and European security and stability. Both Washington and pre-unification Bonn championed liberal democracy, free trade and fundamental civil and human rights.…
Waking up from horror: shame and fugitive movements
‘A future politics is given there so powerfully that it’s present as a trace even in certain reactions that, in the very force and determination of reaction, replicate horror’s preconditions…’ Fred Moten1 By foregrounding the experiences of slavery, a black…
The Woman on Westminster Bridge
A woman walks across a bridge. She is looking at her mobile. She seems to be in a hurry. Close to her, a person lies injured on the pavement. Several people attend to the injured person. The woman is wearing…
The Genesis of Alfred North Whitehead’s Philosophy
Not many people will read Whitehead’s recent book in this generation; not many will read it in any generation. But its influence will radiate through concentric circles of popularization until the common man will think and work in the light…
The Day After: New Perspectives on the American Presidency
We stayed up all night to watch. When the polling returns came in, we had to pinch ourselves. Was it was a dream? Did Donald Trump actually win the presidential election? As scholars of United States history, politics, and culture,…
Celebrating Open Access
Open Access Week is running from 24–30 October this year. To celebrate, we’ve pulled together some links to our open access content for you. So far, Edinburgh University Press has published 5 open access books, 12 open access chapters, 1…