A cropped photo of the cover Theory of the Object

Preview: Theory of the Object by Thomas Nail

Enjoy a preview of the first page from Thomas Nail’s new book Theory of the Object. We live in an age of objects. Today there are more objects and more kinds of objects than ever before in human history, and…

A woman on a dirt bike jumps over a ramp

What is a Sporting Body? (Part 3)

by Holly Thorpe and Joshua Newman Have you read Part 1 and 2? If not, get it here! Part 1 Part 2 The seven articles in the second collection further open new lines of flight for thinking about the relations…

A man is cycling through a field

What is a Sporting Body? (Part 2)

by Holly Thorpe and Joshua Newman Have you read Part 1? If not, get it here! The first issue consists of nine papers, the first by David Howe and Carla Silva, draws upon posthumanism to trouble the implicit and seemingly…

A man surfing on a wave

What is a Sporting Body? (Part 1)

by Holly Thorpe and Joshua Newman Sport, it seems, is everywhere. It predominates our mediascapes, commands sizeable outlays of public capital, populates our social media channels, and drapes itself upon our logo-adorning corpuses. It has, in many ways, become the…

The Burns Supper: A New Field of Study

By Dr Paul Malgrati Over the past 220 years, the Burns Supper has become the quintessential festival of Scottish culture, identity, and gastronomy. Who would have thought, back in 1801 as nine admirers of Robert Burns held a private memorial…

Jean-Luc Nancy and Paragraph

By Peggy Kamuf In tribute to Jean-Luc Nancy, whose death was announced in August, Peggy Kamuf looks back on a landmark special issue of Paragraph (‘On the Work of Jean-Luc Nancy’, Paragraph, Vol. 16, Issue 2) which she edited in…