Gender and Family in the History of Christian Missions

Studies in World ChristianityThe April 2015 issue of Studies in World Christianity is largely based on a handful of the many papers presented at the 24th meeting of the Yale–Edinburgh Group on the history of missions and world Christianity, held at New College, Edinburgh, from 24 to 26 June 2014.

Brian Stanley gives a summary of the papers in his opening remarks to the special issue:

One [article] is concerned with one highly influential black South African missionary family, and with its male representatives as much as its female ones, whilst another is mainly a study of the contrasting roles in support of missions to Korea played by one man and two women within a notable American Presbyterian family; a third article is concerned with what one male Chinese Christian leader wrote about women, family life and sexual morality…. Our fourth article, by Gloria Tseng, examines the writings on women’s role in church and society of the well-known twentieth-century Chinese fundamentalist leader, Wang Mingdao…. The final article, by Andrew Barnes, is also concerned with questions of sexual morality and education, but in the contrasting context of Africa between the world wars, an environment which most Western missionaries assumed to be intrinsically hostile to Christian standards of sexual behaviour.

Read Brian Stanley’s full Editorial free online

Articles: 162

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