Fr John Morrison: defender of an island’s cultural heritage and faith
Read more: Fr John Morrison: defender of an island’s cultural heritage and faithNeil Bruce on the inspiration behind his new featured article in The Innes Review.
A canonization that caused a diplomatic rift in Europe
Heritage and Identity: Debunking 5 myths about Middle Eastern Christians
By Elizabeth Marteijn Recent tragedies in the Middle East brought more attention to Christians living in the region. Events such as a series of popular uprisings (‘Arab Spring’) and humanitarian disasters in countries such as Syria and Iraq, have made…
Studies in World Christianity turns 25: The complete SWC index
The Edinburgh University Press journal Studies in World Christianity recently turned an impressive 25 years old, and to celebrate we have created and hosted a range of activity, including a recent blog post. We’re also excited to let you know that…
The spread of Christianity through cross-cultural communication
It is a truism to state that Christianity has spread across the world as a result of cross-cultural communication. Between them, the articles in Studies in World Christianity 24.2 illustrate the variety of form and effectiveness of cross-cultural communication in…
Appropriating Christian History in Fujian: Red Tourism Meets the Cross
In the early years of China’s Civil War, the Communist army and leadership sought refuge from Nationalist troops in the remote western district of Fujian Province known as Tingzhou. Here, for over three years, the leaders of the fledgling Communist…
Studies in World Christianity, Issue 22.2 — Centre for the Study of World Christianity
By Brian Stanley Beyond the Binary of East and West However hard it tries, scholarship in world Christianity does not find it easy to escape the grip of the long-standing historical binary of East and West. The Christianities of Asia,…
What do Monks and Friars have in common?
By Eva Pascal What do Buddhist monks and Christian friars have in common? Quite a bit, in fact. While travelling widely across Asia in the late sixteenth century, Franciscans had rich encounters and exchanges with Buddhist monks that led them…
Images of Islam
By Deanna Ferree Womack Images of Islam abound these days, and many of them are troubling. Those who speak loudly and most forcefully define Islam in the narrowest of terms, making one image – the militant extremist – into a…
Gender and Family in the History of Christian Missions
The April 2015 issue of Studies in World Christianity is largely based on a handful of the many papers presented at the 24th meeting of the Yale–Edinburgh Group on the history of missions and world Christianity, held at New College,…