Provost Pawkie’s Travels in Time: The Provost, by John Galt
Read more: Provost Pawkie’s Travels in Time: The Provost, by John Galtby Caroline McCracken-Flesher In Provost Pawkie’s Gudetown readers hear the town clock tick just once. The city fathers gather at […]
“Potency is important for a real man”: Viagra-spam and the circulation of gendered discourse (Part 2)
by Mie Birk Jensen Have you read “Potency is important for a real man”: Viagra-spam and the circulation of gendered discourse (Part 1)”? If not, click here! Shipping, shame and sex While spammers have put exaggerated emphasis on the benefits…
Waking up from horror: shame and fugitive movements
‘A future politics is given there so powerfully that it’s present as a trace even in certain reactions that, in the very force and determination of reaction, replicate horror’s preconditions…’ Fred Moten1 By foregrounding the experiences of slavery, a black…