New Gaelic Speakers in Nova Scotia and Scotland: A Q&A with Stuart Dunmore
Read more: New Gaelic Speakers in Nova Scotia and Scotland: A Q&A with Stuart DunmoreStuart Dunmore discusses his motivations for researching new Gaelic speakers, and the incredible places and experiences this led to.

In Memoriam Sophinette Becker (1950-2019): Appreciation of new thoughts on sexuality, psychoanalysis and politics from the past
By Patrick Henze-Lindhorst Stubborn, a loving mentor and dedicated therapist, and an acutely perceptive authority on countless political and theoretical issues: The psychoanalytically oriented psychologist, sexuality researcher, and psychosomatics specialist Sophinette Becker shaped the renowned Institute for Sexual Science at…

Queering Freud Differently: On the new special issue of Psychoanalysis and History
By Andrew DJ Shield, University of Leiden Queer Freud Today At an all-gay dinner last month, a friend – trained biologist, amateur astrologist, and psychoanalytic dilettante – shifted the dinner conversation to his playful diagnosis of the dinner guests’ stages…

Cognitive disability and its psychoanalytic discontents
The idea of the death-wish has haunted the history of psychoanalysis in its encounters with cognitive disability. But who is wishing death on whom? This is one of the questions arising from ‘Psychoanalysis Confronts Cognitive Disability’, the intriguing recent special…

Psychoanalysis in the Academy – what is the future?
In Psychoanalysis and History, some of the leading contemporary academics working with psychoanalysis across several disciplines have taken time to consider the question – What Is the Future of Psychoanalysis in the Academy? – thus giving a timely survey of the status and possibilities…
100 Years Since the Russian Revolution
Looking Back at the Russian Revolution 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, which occurred in March and November (Gregorian calendar) in 1917. The pair of revolutions saw the disassembly of the Tsarist autocracy in favour of the…