Abel Ferrara – A New Perspective on a Cult Auteur
Read more: Abel Ferrara – A New Perspective on a Cult Auteurby Florian Zappe Abel Ferrara is one of the most uncompromising and provocative filmmakers of his generation. From his early […]

5 things you might not expect of Christian-Muslim relations in the Middle East
Drawing on a long history of Christian-Muslim coexistence, Anna Hager explores the nuances and complexities of interfaith relations in the Middle East

Heritage and Identity: Debunking 5 myths about Middle Eastern Christians
By Elizabeth Marteijn Recent tragedies in the Middle East brought more attention to Christians living in the region. Events such as a series of popular uprisings (‘Arab Spring’) and humanitarian disasters in countries such as Syria and Iraq, have made…

C. S. Lewis and His Medieval Mirror
By Erik Eklund C. S. Lewis is best known for his introductory exposition of Christianity, Mere Christianity (1952), as well as his series of children’s books, The Chronicles of Narnia (1950–56), yet, notwithstanding his numerous theological works, his identity as…

Divine Hiddenness in C.S. Lewis’s Till We Have Faces
By Derek King C. S. Lewis’s Till We Have Faces is a brilliant piece of fiction but also a mediation on an old problem called the problem of divine hiddenness. The problem of divine hiddenness refers to a lack in…

Introducing Edinburgh Studies in Middle Eastern Christianity
by Deanna Ferree Womack and Philip Michael Forness Series editors Deanna Ferree Womack and Philip Michael Forness introduce our latest Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies series, Edinburgh Studies in Middle Eastern Christianity, centering on historical and contemporary Christian traditions in…

Covenants and Covenanting
By Neil McIntyre This month, The Scottish Historical Review publishes the first of a series of special issues that tackle key themes in Scottish History. ‘Covenants and Covenanting’ will showcase the latest research on the origins, impact and legacies of…

The Jesuits and the Globalisation of the Renaissance
By Peter Burke The idea that the unintended consequences of human action are often more important – for better and even more often, for worse – than the intended ones is a well-known theme among historians, whether they study politics,…

Interreligious Polemics as a Window into Early Modern Iran
If anyone decided to do a quick search for scholarship on interreligious polemics, especially of the Muslim-Christian kind, he or she will immediately notice a few patterns: Most of the major studies focus on the Classical period (that is, from…

Studies in World Christianity turns 25: The complete SWC index
The Edinburgh University Press journal Studies in World Christianity recently turned an impressive 25 years old, and to celebrate we have created and hosted a range of activity, including a recent blog post. We’re also excited to let you know that…