He Stuttered: A Letter from Gilles Deleuze
Read more: He Stuttered: A Letter from Gilles DeleuzeDorothea Olkowski reflects on the work of Gilles Deleuze through a letter she received from him at the inception of Deleuze studies.

Ben Jonson on the Internet

A Cannibal Poet In King James’ Court
By Brett Andrew Jones It wasn’t every day that accusations of cannibalism flew around the early Jacobean court. That’s (one reason) why I found the revised version of Mucedorus so interesting. It hardly compares well to what we consider the…

John Pollock Picks the Lock of the Mysterious ‘Shakespeare Box’
John Pollock’s new article on the true provenance of ‘Mr Shuckspr’se Box’ begins with an auction, although true to our ‘advanced age’, it is a live webcast auction. Our author bids on ‘A 17TH CENTURY IRON STRONG BOX’ and wins…

Ben Jonson Journal Celebrates 25 Years
2018 marks the 25th anniversary of the Ben Jonson Journal. Read on and learn more about the history and impact of the journal from the editor, Richard Harp. History of the Ben Jonson Journal Richard Harp and Stanley Stewart met…

Invisible Tweets? Ben Jonson and Social Networking
By Kelly Stage In 1605, Ben Jonson and George Chapman found themselves in prison because parts of their play Eastward Ho (written also with James Marston) had offended King James’s Scottish favourite, Sir James Murray. Jonson and Chapman took to…

Ben Jonson’s Erotic Temporalities
By Amanda Henrichs I’ve always imagined Ben Jonson as the quintessential cranky old man, constantly complaining about the current state of things and longing for a return to the good old days, when everyone was virtuous and poetry was good…
Letters from Beyond: Sir Politic Would-Be Emails the author
Dear Bob, ‘Tis I, Would-Be, unicorn with panther’s breath. Are you aware, Bob, that Black Panthers are generally the melanistic color variant of either a leopard or jaguar? This may seem a petty inconsequential factoid but think of the poor…

“Spotlight on” Ben Jonson Journal
The Ben Jonson Journal is a biannual published in May and November of each year. Established in 1993, it is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of Ben Jonson and the culture in which his literary efforts thrived. The…