Children, Charity and Magazines
Read more: Children, Charity and MagazinesA Q&A with the author of Philanthropy in Children’s Periodicals, 1840–1930: The Charitable Child.
Warwick Ball on the cultural diversity of Afghanistan
It is a pleasure to see the launch of the first issue of Afghanistan, a journal to showcase the country’s exceptional cultural diversity. It is the first scholarly journal devoted to the country since the demise of Afghan Studies in…
Viking Law and Order
My new book, Viking Law and Order, paints a rather different picture of Viking Age society from the one we are used to. We often hear discussions of violent raids and systematic pillaging by warriors arriving in long ships. It…
1980-81 Excavations of Cathcart Castle, Glasgow
An extract from Open Access article, Cathcart Castle, Glasgow – Excavations 1980–81, by Brian Kerr et. al. Published in the Scottish Archaeological Journal, Volume 38 Issue supplement, Page 1-100, ISSN 1471-5767 Available Online Oct 2016 ‘The castle of Cathcart is…
Spotlight on Scottish Archaeological Journal
Founded in 1969, the Scottish Archaeological Journal publishes original articles which aim to further the study of archaeology in Scotland. The journal, published on behalf of the Glasgow Archaeological Society, features the latest results of archaeological fieldwork, excavation and research.…