A parcel of rogues in a nation? Twenty-five years of the Scottish Parliament
Read more: A parcel of rogues in a nation? Twenty-five years of the Scottish ParliamentDavid McCrone explores public opinion on the devolved Scottish Parliament over the past 25 years.

8 Surprising Fun Facts about Presidents and Sports
by Rivers Gambrell 1. Richard Nixon turned down an invitation from Esquire to cover Super Bowl VII President Nixon’s knowledge of pro football was held in such regard that the men’s magazine asked if he would pen an analysis of…

Q&A with Mark Mclay, author of ‘The Republican Party and the War on Poverty: 1964–1981’
Tell us a bit about your book. My book is on recent American political history. It examines the Republican Party’s challenge to Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson’s ‘War on Poverty’. It shows that leading Republicans – most notably President Ronald…

The Past as Prologue on Presidential Privilege
As the Mueller investigation comes to a close, Kevin M. Baron looks to the history of the Freedom of Information Act and finds that the battle between Congress and the White House is nothing new.