Thirty Years of Studies in World Christianity
Read more: Thirty Years of Studies in World ChristianityAlexander Chow, co-editor of Studies in World Christianity, celebrates the journal's 30th anniversary by looking to its history and future.
‘I Am My Language’

In May 2017, the Israeli Knesset passed the nation-state bill in its first round. This bill emphasizes Israel being Jewish…
OLR 40th Anniversary – Jacques Derrida

Continuing our celebrations of OLR’s 40th Anniversary and its widespread impact, this month we are highlighting Jacques Derrida’s ‘Let…
Unwomanly women? Gender and technology at the end of the nineteenth century

By Lena Wånggren What is an ‘unwomanly’ woman? Or an ‘unsexed’ woman? At the end of the nineteenth century, both…
Sex and Spanish Cinema from Screen to Academia

An extract from the introduction of Spanish Erotic Cinema, edited by Santiago Fouz-Hernandez If there is something that the various…
Judging a book by its cover: designing ‘The World of Image in Islamic Philosophy’

Can the contents of an academic book be expressed by means other than words? In centuries past, it was common…
Trans Temporalities
The guest editors of the Somatechnics Special Issue, ‘Trans Temporalities‘, draw on their inspirations for the issue theme, as well…
Secularisation and religious decline in 21st-century Scotland

By Ben Clements. My Scottish Affairs research looks in detail at recent survey data on religious decline and secularisation in…
Appropriating Christian History in Fujian: Red Tourism Meets the Cross

In the early years of China’s Civil War, the Communist army and leadership sought refuge from Nationalist troops in the…
OLR 40th Anniversary – Gilles Deleuze

Last month we celebrated the writing of Hélène Cixous, both as part of Women’s History Month and of OLR’s…