Thirty Years of Studies in World Christianity
Read more: Thirty Years of Studies in World ChristianityAlexander Chow, co-editor of Studies in World Christianity, celebrates the journal's 30th anniversary by looking to its history and future.
“Flame I Am Assuredly”: Nietzsche on the Gift of Birthdays

That Nietzsche valued his own birthday is known to readers of his correspondence. After his mother appears to forget her…
What is a Sporting Body? (Part 3)

by Holly Thorpe and Joshua Newman Have you read Part 1 and 2? If not, get it here! Part 1…
What is a Sporting Body? (Part 2)

by Holly Thorpe and Joshua Newman Have you read Part 1? If not, get it here! The first issue consists…
What is a Sporting Body? (Part 1)

by Holly Thorpe and Joshua Newman Sport, it seems, is everywhere. It predominates our mediascapes, commands sizeable outlays of public…
An Interview with Warwick Ball, author of The Eurasian Steppe

In this interview, author and archaeologist Warwick Ball discusses his travels and research that led to his new book, The…
The Burns Supper: A New Field of Study

By Dr Paul Malgrati Over the past 220 years, the Burns Supper has become the quintessential festival of Scottish culture,…
Jean-Luc Nancy and Paragraph

By Peggy Kamuf In tribute to Jean-Luc Nancy, whose death was announced in August, Peggy Kamuf looks back on a…
The destruction of ‘un- Islamic’ edifices by ISIS and the Taliban

by Shivan Mahendrarajah The Taliban are back in power, ushering in renewed fears of destruction of cultural heritages. Their first…
“Potency is important for a real man”: Viagra-spam and the circulation of gendered discourse (Part 2)

by Mie Birk Jensen Have you read “Potency is important for a real man”: Viagra-spam and the circulation of gendered…