Thirty Years of Studies in World Christianity
Read more: Thirty Years of Studies in World ChristianityAlexander Chow, co-editor of Studies in World Christianity, celebrates the journal's 30th anniversary by looking to its history and future.

A Conversation with Graham Harman and Hilan Bensusan on ‘Indexicalism’ (Part 3)
Graham Harman and Hilan Bensusan Have you read Part 1 and 2? Part 1Part 2 Graham Harman: Let’s turn now to your relation with a relevant analytic philosopher, Saul Kripke. In recent decades Kripke has been widely read among continental…

A Conversation with Graham Harman and Hilan Bensusan on ‘Indexicalism’ (Part 2)
Graham Harman and Hilan Bensusan Have you read Part 1? See it here! Graham Harman: As for Levinas, I enjoy your treatment of his notion of otherness. But I couldn’t help noticing that in your new book you don’t really…

A Conversation with Graham Harman and Hilan Bensusan on ‘Indexicalism’ (Part 1)
Graham Harman and Hilan Bensusan Graham Harman: Your new book Indexicalism has already created a lot of excitement, including a wonderful online book launch conference, the likes of which I have never seen before[i]. Could you start by explaining to…

Extract: Seeing Degree Zero: Barthes/Burgin and Political Aesthetics
Enjoy a sneak peek of the Introduction to Seeing Degree Zero: Barthes/Burgin and Political Aesthetics edited by Ryan Bishop and Sunil Manghani An unfolding line of enquiry has been the revisiting of Barthes’ term ‘zero degree’, which dates back to…

Preview: Theory of the Object by Thomas Nail
Enjoy a preview of the first page from Thomas Nail’s new book Theory of the Object. We live in an age of objects. Today there are more objects and more kinds of objects than ever before in human history, and…

“Flame I Am Assuredly”: Nietzsche on the Gift of Birthdays
That Nietzsche valued his own birthday is known to readers of his correspondence. After his mother appears to forget her son’s 44th birthday, he sends her a postcard four days later: “This time the old mother has forgotten the old…

Jean-Luc Nancy and Paragraph
By Peggy Kamuf In tribute to Jean-Luc Nancy, whose death was announced in August, Peggy Kamuf looks back on a landmark special issue of Paragraph (‘On the Work of Jean-Luc Nancy’, Paragraph, Vol. 16, Issue 2) which she edited in…

The destruction of ‘un- Islamic’ edifices by ISIS and the Taliban
by Shivan Mahendrarajah The Taliban are back in power, ushering in renewed fears of destruction of cultural heritages. Their first time in office (1996–2001), the Taliban destroyed edifices on the basis that they were ‘un-Islamic’ and/or ‘beacons’ for polytheists (mushrikin).…

The dignity of pointing
by Hilan Bensusan Pointing is a thoroughly situated activity. One points at what is somehow around – even when one needs complex language devices for the exercise. Maybe because thinking often aims to be indifferent to where one is, pointing…