Thirty Years of Studies in World Christianity
Read more: Thirty Years of Studies in World ChristianityAlexander Chow, co-editor of Studies in World Christianity, celebrates the journal's 30th anniversary by looking to its history and future.

Finn Fordham on the Anatomy of Moments
Singing in a choir recently I was lucky enough to experience some intense moments, and less lucky in my attempts to think (again), about ‘moments’, the topic of my inaugural lecture, published in Volume 13.2 of Modernist Cultures. We were singing…

The Long March of Feminism
By Catherine Riley and Lynne Pearce We were completing the edits on Feminism and Women’s Writing: An Introduction at the end of 2017 when something seismic, something transformational, began to happen. The exposure of Harvey Weinstein’s long history of sexual assault,…

Intergenerational Desire in/and Children’s Literature
It is with some trepidation, but also with a great sense of urgency, that we present a modest collection of excursions into the representation of intergenerational desire in children’s literature. For it is a truth universally acknowledged that anyone who…

Utopia: A round-table discussion
Sir Thomas More (1477 – 1535) was the first person to write of a ‘utopia’, a word used to describe a perfect imaginary world. The term was first published in 1516, and became the short title of his book about an…

The Douglass family and the roots of activism and social justice
By Celeste-Marie Bernier and Andrew Taylor Frederick Douglass. Just the name alone is enough to inspire us to think of a life lived in activism and an unceasing fight for social justice. But there are other names in the life…

Reading the Times: Temporality and History in Twentieth-Century Fiction
By Randall Stevenson On Bastille Day, 2000, why did 3 million people sit down to a picnic lunch along a line carefully set out across the whole of France, from north to south? Mostly, to remember and celebrate the Paris…

Ezra Pound’s “The Cantos”, Pedagogy and Poetics
‘The Cantos and Pedagogy Forum’ in Volume 12 Issue 3 of Modernist Cultures consists of a research-length article by my colleague, Joshua Kotin, and myself, as well as responses by Charles Altieri, Alan Golding, Marjorie Perloff, and Michael Coyle and Steven…

6 Books for TV Lovers
By Jennifer J. Smith It is a truth universally acknowledged that there is so much great television. From limited streaming series to mainstays of broadcast networks, great storytelling is happening on the small screen. Episodic television tells big stories in…

The Rosetta Stone
By Jesse Schotter For the hordes of selfie-snapping tourists at the British Museum, one objects attracts more attention than any other: the Rosetta Stone. Such fascination with the Stone and its hieroglyphs dates back centuries. From the classical era through the…