• Looking down a round tunnel with strip lights and a small doorway at the far end.

Ezra Pound’s “The Cantos”, Pedagogy and Poetics

‘The Cantos and Pedagogy Forum’ in Volume 12 Issue 3 of Modernist Cultures consists of a research-length article by my colleague, Joshua Kotin, and myself, as well as responses by Charles Altieri, Alan Golding, Marjorie Perloff, and Michael Coyle and Steven…

The Rosetta Stone

By Jesse Schotter For the hordes of selfie-snapping tourists at the British Museum, one objects attracts more attention than any other: the Rosetta Stone.  Such fascination with the Stone and its hieroglyphs dates back centuries.  From the classical era through the…

Proletarian Modernism

By Nick Hubble Modernism raises questions. On one level, it expresses the personal questions about subjectivity that writers such as Katherine Mansfield, D.H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf sought to answer in a world turned upside down by the discovery of…

blast manifesto image

Top 10 Modernist Manifestos from Britain and Ireland

During the early 20th century avant-garde countries like France, Italy, Russia, and Germany provided fertile ground for manifesto writing: Dada, Surrealism, and myriad Futurisms all were born out of this rich soil – or, more fittingly, the ‘good factory muck’…

soldier reading

Ford Madox Ford, music and the First World War

My research treats music as a crucial aspect of modernist literature, and the First World War was a crucial event for modernist writers, profoundly changing the fabric of social life. Ford Madox Ford served on the front line and wrote…

40 years of Oxford Literary Review

Oxford Literary Review (OLR) founded in 1977 by Ian McLeod, Ann Wordsworth and Robert J. C. Young, is now celebrating its 40th anniversary. To celebrate, in each month of 2017 the Edinburgh University Press blog will highlight an influential article published…