Techno-Cognitivism: Reimagining Literature in the Age of Language Models
Read more: Techno-Cognitivism: Reimagining Literature in the Age of Language ModelsMaciej Kurzynski discusses how embracing new language models can revolutionise literary studies.

100 Years of The Scottish Historical Review
The Scottish Historical Review (SHR) is the premier journal in the field of Scottish historical studies, covering all periods of Scottish history from the early to the modern, encouraging a variety of historical approaches, with articles written by leading scholars and Scottish…

Stands Scottish Literature Where It Did? Revisiting Devolution
It’s been fifteen years since the last fat volume of essays on contemporary Scottish writing. Only a blink of historical time, but it’s been quite an eventful period. When the chapters of Berthold Schoene’s brilliant Edinburgh Companion to Contemporary Scottish Literature were being written, both the country and its debates looked rather different.

Surveying the Anthropocene: Destruction of natural systems: forests
by Patricia Macdonald This is the first of a series of blogs featuring themes and participants from the book Surveying the Anthropocene: Environment and photography now, edited by Patricia Macdonald (for an introduction to the book, see Q & A blog…

Q & A with the author of ‘Surveying the Anthropocene: Environment and photography now’
by Patricia Macdonald Tell us a bit about your book… The purpose of the book is to explore the range of responses of thoughtful photographic image-makers worldwide to the current emergency times – the global situation of multiple, interconnected, environmental…

Q+A with the Author of The Revival of Evangelicalism
by Andrew M. Jones Tell us a bit about your book The Revival of Evangelicalism: Mission and Piety in the Victorian Church of Scotland is the story of how a movement – evangelicalism – continued to influence the Church of…

Q&A with the Author of Slaves and Highlanders
by David Alston Can you tell us a bit about the book? Slaves and Highlanders is an exploration of the role played by people from the North of Scotland in the slave trade and in the plantations of the Caribbean.…

The Burns Supper: A New Field of Study
By Dr Paul Malgrati Over the past 220 years, the Burns Supper has become the quintessential festival of Scottish culture, identity, and gastronomy. Who would have thought, back in 1801 as nine admirers of Robert Burns held a private memorial…

Burns Chronicle: The Oldest Scottish Literature Journal in the World?
By the Editors & Reviews Editor, the Burns Chronicle Almost 130 years ago, in 1892, enthusiasts started publishing the Burns Chronicle and the journal has continued ever since, conveying articles of interest and news among Burns Clubs and admirers of…

In memory of Professor Richard Sharpe FBA, FSA, FRHistS, Hon. MRIA
17 February 1954 to 21 March 2020 By John Reuben Davies (Editor, The Innes Review) A year has now passed since the death of Richard Sharpe, Professor of Diplomatic in the University of Oxford, and Fellow of Wadham College.[1] The…