Juteopolis?: Dundee’s history as a leading textile town
Read more: Juteopolis?: Dundee’s history as a leading textile townThe authors of The Triumph of Textiles discuss poverty and prosperity during Dundee's time as a textile town
COVID, Class and Digital Labour in the Neoliberal World

by John Michael Roberts It is generally agreed that the crisis surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed society in the present and for the foreseeable future. In particular, there is great concern among politicians, policy-makers and the general public…
“A floating charge” – A Conversation with Jonny Hardman and Alisdair MacPherson

by Jonathan Hardman and Alisdair MacPherson This Q&A with Jonny Hardman and Alisdair MacPherson introduces their new edited collection for EUP series Edinburgh Studies in Law: Floating Charges in Scotland: New Perspectives and Current Issues. **Throughout the blog, Dr Alisdair MacPherson…
When Pashto Became Divine

by William E. B. Sherman O you mangled souls: fear the sigh of the dervish.It’s a sigh exhaled by passioned love for Godthat burns the mountains to ash like straw.…If you see with the eye of your heart,everywhere will you…
Plato on how to describe the changing world

by Takeshi Nakamura From time to time throughout his dialogues, Plato complains how difficult it is to capture the transient natural world with inert language (e.g., the Theaetetus and the Cratylus). After all, the world in flux changes as you…
Moving forward with Aristotle

by John M. Pemberton Is the world changing? When you cycle along on your bicycle, are you moving? If you ask the woman on the Clapham omnibus, then the answer will be an emphatic: ‘Yes, of course!’ However, many of…
Excerpt from ‘Image-Thinking: Artmaking as Cultural Analysis’

by Mieke Bal My new book explores and analyses making “thought-images” by means of “image-thinking”. In my experience in making films and video installations I learned that making images and thinking through what the process involved and yielded, as a…
Understanding Stoicism with Deleuze: Laughter and Perversion

by Ryan J. Johnson Stoicism seems to be everywhere these days – bestseller lists, email blasts, social media posts, corporate training sessions. Stoicism seems just another self-help trend. But I think they all get it wrong. Stoicism is strange, very…
From Gelopolitics to Geopolitics: The Case of Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Patrick T. Giamario Just over three years ago, Volodymyr Zelenskyy wasn’t yet president of Ukraine; he only played one on TV. In Servant of the People Zelenskyy portrayed Vasyl Holoborodko, a high school history teacher who unexpectedly wins the presidency…
Shimmer: The Kiss of Life Includes Us, Too

An extract from Shimmer: Flying Fox Exuberance in Worlds of Peril by Deborah Bird Rose Australian anthropologist Deborah Bird Rose’s remarkable final book is a landmark piece of interdisciplinary, multi-species scholarship based on fieldwork with the zoologists, conservationists and Aboriginal…
Calvin and Hobbes: Reformed Protestants, Natural Law and Secularisation

by Simon P. Kennedy Back in 1532, the French Protestant reformer, John Calvin, wrote a major commentary on Seneca’s De clementia. Buried in this work is an important statement: “Man is a social animal.” Calvin believed that humans were naturally…