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Whose Central Bank is it Anyway?

Division of UK assets and liabilities between an independent Scotland and the rest of the UK (“rUK”) following a YES vote in the September 18th referendum continues to provoke heated discussion with just months to the big event. Rod MacLeod…

The Scottish Independence Referendum

Will the Scottish Referendum process be fair?

Four months ahead of the Scottish independence referendum, Stephen Tierney (University of Edinburgh) in an Analysis piece in the Edinburgh Law Review (Volume 18.2), summarises  some of the main points concerning the Referendum process and event. He highlights the importance…

manticism Volume 20-1 - cover image

Literary Celebrity

Celebrity, publicity and authorship are common place in the 21st century and increasingly, authors are energetic in conveying their own celebrity rather than it simply being thrust upon them; it could be said there is an intimacy between authors and…

Gordon Graham

Scottish Philosophy: Project and Legacy

By Gordon Graham The Scottish philosophical tradition found its richest and most influential expression in the investigations Scottish philosophers of the 18th century conducted in their project of a ‘science of human nature’. This project, uniquely, tackled traditional philosophical problems…