A parcel of rogues in a nation? Twenty-five years of the Scottish Parliament
Read more: A parcel of rogues in a nation? Twenty-five years of the Scottish ParliamentDavid McCrone explores public opinion on the devolved Scottish Parliament over the past 25 years.

Is Trump vaccinated against the coronavirus?
Where will politicization of the response to COVID-19 end? When former President G.W. Bush issued calls to put partisanship aside and unite in the fight against COVID-19, President Trump virulently criticized the former, reproaching him with not taking his side when Democrats launched the impeachment process against him.

Is Trump vaccinated against the coronavirus?
In the 2019-2020 winter, pre-COVID-19, the odds for Trump's reelection were good... Unfortunately for him, the Covid health crisis reshuffled the deck.

The Past as Prologue on Presidential Privilege
As the Mueller investigation comes to a close, Kevin M. Baron looks to the history of the Freedom of Information Act and finds that the battle between Congress and the White House is nothing new.

Chastity and Capitalism, from Shakespeare’s England to Trump’s America
By Katherine Gillen Interest in Shakespeare’s economic philosophy intensified in the wake of the 2008 financial crash, reaching beyond academic circles into public discourse. For example, New York’s Public Theater hosted an event called “What Are We Worth? Shakespeare, Money and…