Provost Pawkie’s Travels in Time: The Provost, by John Galt
Read more: Provost Pawkie’s Travels in Time: The Provost, by John Galtby Caroline McCracken-Flesher In Provost Pawkie’s Gudetown readers hear the town clock tick just once. The city fathers gather at […]
How ISIS Fights: New Books in National Security
In this great interview from New Books in National Security, Omar Ashour, author of How ISIS Fights: Military Tactics in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Egypt, talks to host Jeffrey Bristol about his work. They discuss the origin of Ashour’s study…
The Past as Prologue on Presidential Privilege
As the Mueller investigation comes to a close, Kevin M. Baron looks to the history of the Freedom of Information Act and finds that the battle between Congress and the White House is nothing new.