He Stuttered: A Letter from Gilles Deleuze
Read more: He Stuttered: A Letter from Gilles DeleuzeDorothea Olkowski reflects on the work of Gilles Deleuze through a letter she received from him at the inception of Deleuze studies.

How did the Festival industry repurpose Edinburgh’s public policy making?
By Cliff Hague COVID-19 brought Edinburgh’s tourism boom to a screeching halt, and wiped out the city’s main festivals in 2020. At the time of writing, the prospects for 2021 look uncertain, with speculation that many people will be anxious…

How COVID-19 crisis measures reveal the conflation between poverty and adversity
By Morag Treanor Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are defined as stressful events in childhood argued to have devastating consequences on education, employment, health, wealth, family life, parenting and lifespan, as well as leading invariably to ACEs in the next generation…