Children, Charity and Magazines
Read more: Children, Charity and MagazinesA Q&A with the author of Philanthropy in Children’s Periodicals, 1840–1930: The Charitable Child.
Robert Burns’s Memory: A Matter of State
by Paul Malgrati Every year, on 25 January, Burns Night offers a remarkable opportunity for Scottish political parties to issue a statement about the Scottish nation, its identity, and its situation. Last year, in 2022, Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon,…
The ‘Curious Cleric’ and the Highlands Before Culloden: Rev. James Fraser (1634-1709) – Q&A
by David Worthington Tell us a bit about your book. It offers a different perspective on the Highlands in the century before the Battle of Culloden in 1746, by focusing on the life-writing of a maverick, Gaelic-speaking, scholar, traveller and…
Stands Scottish Literature Where It Did? Revisiting Devolution
Remembering the history of Scottish land reform
By Ewen Cameron I was delighted to publish Freshness, Freedom, and Peace?: Land Settlement in Scotland after the Great War in Northern Scotland, 2nd series, 11.2 (2020), 161–75. This was a special issue arising from a stimulating conference held at…
The ACEs Movement in Scotland: policy entrepreneurship and critical activism
By Gary Walsh The purpose of this blog post is to introduce my article about the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) ‘movement’ and its influence in Scottish public policy. The paper is included in a special issue, Adverse Childhood Experiences in…
How COVID-19 crisis measures reveal the conflation between poverty and adversity
By Morag Treanor Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are defined as stressful events in childhood argued to have devastating consequences on education, employment, health, wealth, family life, parenting and lifespan, as well as leading invariably to ACEs in the next generation…
The Innes Review Turns 70
By John Reuben Davies Read the editorial introduction from The Innes Review: 70th Anniversary Virtual Collection, which is free to access on our site and contains over 40 free articles spanning 70 years of the The Innes Review‘s history. The…
Scottish Muslims: Unity and Belonging
Scottish Muslims’ lives are dressed up in tartan and play the music of Islam. The Scottish ‘Muslim community’ is made up of people of various ages, ethnicities and social classes. But what they have in common is that they identify…
Frederick Douglass and Ten Scottish Worthies
Recent research has suggested that Frederick Douglass (1818-1895) was the most photographed American of the nineteenth century. The former slave who became a leading intellectual and civil rights campaigner of his age, was captured on camera more times than George…