He Stuttered: A Letter from Gilles Deleuze
Read more: He Stuttered: A Letter from Gilles DeleuzeDorothea Olkowski reflects on the work of Gilles Deleuze through a letter she received from him at the inception of Deleuze studies.

Shakespeare Teachers Strike Back: Three strategies for engaging in politically responsive pedagogy in the age of (another) DEI backlash
by Marissa Greenberg and Elizabeth Williamson Perhaps the greatest challenge facing US institutions of higher education is the tension between an increasingly diverse student body and an inherently (and inherited) homogenous curriculum. “Meeting today’s students where they are” is a…

Ezra Pound’s “The Cantos”, Pedagogy and Poetics
‘The Cantos and Pedagogy Forum’ in Volume 12 Issue 3 of Modernist Cultures consists of a research-length article by my colleague, Joshua Kotin, and myself, as well as responses by Charles Altieri, Alan Golding, Marjorie Perloff, and Michael Coyle and Steven…

Are academics anxious, stressed & demoralised?
In their article, “Academic Work Cultures: Somatic Crisis in the Enterprise University”, Nikki Sullivan and Jane Simon indicate that research shows large numbers of academics are – “stressed, anxious, depressed, overloaded, and demoralised. Many are suffering from insomnia, feelings of…