• Abel Ferrara, a man with grey hair and dressed in a light grey suit, stands with his arms crossed in front of a red circle.

Ezra Pound’s “The Cantos”, Pedagogy and Poetics

‘The Cantos and Pedagogy Forum’ in Volume 12 Issue 3 of Modernist Cultures consists of a research-length article by my colleague, Joshua Kotin, and myself, as well as responses by Charles Altieri, Alan Golding, Marjorie Perloff, and Michael Coyle and Steven…


Are academics anxious, stressed & demoralised?

In their article, “Academic Work Cultures: Somatic Crisis in the Enterprise University”, Nikki Sullivan and Jane Simon indicate that research shows large numbers of academics are – “stressed, anxious, depressed, overloaded, and demoralised. Many are suffering from insomnia, feelings of…