Techno-Cognitivism: Reimagining Literature in the Age of Language Models
Read more: Techno-Cognitivism: Reimagining Literature in the Age of Language ModelsMaciej Kurzynski discusses how embracing new language models can revolutionise literary studies.

Two More Things…Two videoessays on Columbo
by David Martin-Jones In a previous post, David Martin-Jones, author of Columbo: Paying Attention 24/7, explored the recent and enduring popularity of the cult detective show, fifty years after the first episode aired. In this follow-up, David discusses two videoessays…

Columbo suddenly became famous again under lockdown. Why?
by David Martin-Jones In part one of a series, David Martin-Jones, author of Columbo: Paying Attention 24/7, explores the resurgence of popularity for the beloved detective. Columbo suddenly became famous again under lockdown. Why? Is it because it is a…

Ellroy and Me
By Nathan Ashman It was 2006 and James Ellroy was in the midst of penning the much anticipated third volume in his ‘Underworld USA Trilogy’, an epic criminal history of post-war America. I, meanwhile, was just about to begin my…

The comforts of mystery
By Thomas Leitch Mystery and detective stories have always been my comfort-food reading. From the time I was weaned away from Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys to Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie in the eighth grade, I’ve never…