Photograph of a condor perched on a log against a blue sky.

The continuing importance of Chile’s Cold War history

Earlier this year, the United States government declassified more than 40,000 documents showing the American intelligence community’s reporting on the Argentine dictatorship’s Dirty War. This refers to Argentines’ counterinsurgency campaign that decimated their country’s far left in the late 1970s.…

Clausewitz and Civil–Military Relations

Many readers of On War have taken Clausewitz’s discussion of the ‘logic’ of war tending to ‘extremes’ and concluded that he believed that, if a state were going to wage war, the only sensible way to do it would be…

Helmut Khol (left) and George H. W. Bush (right)

An Intricate Transatlantic Triangle: US, UK and German Relations

Since the Federal Republic of Germany’s admission into NATO in 1955, German–American relations have been a cornerstone of transatlantic and European security and stability. Both Washington and pre-unification Bonn championed liberal democracy, free trade and fundamental civil and human rights.…