Freedom and the Sea
Read more: Freedom and the SeaWhat is the point of the connection between sea power and liberty?

Covenants and Covenanting
By Neil McIntyre This month, The Scottish Historical Review publishes the first of a series of special issues that tackle key themes in Scottish History. ‘Covenants and Covenanting’ will showcase the latest research on the origins, impact and legacies of…

About William S. Burroughs
By Stanley Gontarski American outlier writer, William S. Burroughs, was a creative force, as a writer in his own right, and as a cultural theorist, particularly his anticipation of what we now regularly call “a society of control” or “a…

5 Lesser-known Werewolf Films to Watch on Halloween
Craig Ian Mann discusses all things werewolf with his pick of5 Lesser-known Werewolf Films to Watch on Halloween.

The Jesuits and the Globalisation of the Renaissance
By Peter Burke The idea that the unintended consequences of human action are often more important – for better and even more often, for worse – than the intended ones is a well-known theme among historians, whether they study politics,…

The Poisonous Flowers of H. Rider Haggard’s Cleopatra: Part Three
By Jemma Stewart Read Part 1 and Part 2 of this blog series. Rose Roses…have ever reigned as queens of flowers.[i] The rose bloomed in Ancient Egypt, as Jack Goody attests: Above all there was the hundred-petalled rose, which became…

The Poisonous Flowers of H. Rider Haggard’s Cleopatra: Part Two
By Jemma Stewart Read Part 1 of this blog series. Lotus And as the voice spoke, a cold hand touched my hand … As the light came back, I gazed upon that which had been left within my hand. It…

The Poisonous Flowers of H. Rider Haggard’s Cleopatra: Part One
By Jemma Stewart H. Rider Haggard’s Gothic Garden In the Gothic Studies articles ‘Blooming Marvel’ and ‘She shook her heavy tresses’, I assess the ways in which floral symbolism (or floriography) in Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1897) and H. Rider Haggard’s…

The Innes Review Turns 70
By John Reuben Davies Read the editorial introduction from The Innes Review: 70th Anniversary Virtual Collection, which is free to access on our site and contains over 40 free articles spanning 70 years of the The Innes Review‘s history. The…

Culture Wars, Talking Pictures and the Telegraph: Part Two
By Julian Petley and Andrew Roberts Catch up with Part One of Culture Wars, Talking Pictures and the Telegraph For Heffer, ‘the lesson of Talking Pictures is clear. It portrays the England millions of us wish we still lived in’.…