5 Women from History Who Dared to be Dangerous
Read more: 5 Women from History Who Dared to be DangerousFor this International Women’s Day, editor Ben Fletcher-Watson celebrates five trailblazing women who dared to make history
Abstraction for all? Thoughts from the author of Abstraction in Modernism and Modernity

by Jeff Wallace When you’ve written something exploratory, it can take a little while to work out what it is that you’ve done. This blog about my new book Abstraction in Modernism and Modernity: Human and Inhuman is written from…
Threads that Bind: Women and their Clothing in Sixteenth-Century Scotland

by Cathryn Spence and Cordelia Beattie The saying goes, ‘Clothes make the man’, but in early modern Scotland, many women would have considered clothing to be a central part of their identity. According to early modern legal treatises, married women…
Q&A with the editors of The Figure of the Terrorist in Literature and Visual Culture

by Maria Flood and Michael C. Frank The Figure of the Terrorist in Literature and Visual Culture editors Maria Flood and Michael C. Frank discuss what inspired their research for their new book and how the discourse around terrorism has…
A Q&A with Joe Street on Silicon Valley Cinema

by Joe Street Tell us a bit about your book Silicon Valley Cinema is about a sequence of films that were mostly released in the 2010s that focused on the impact of Silicon Valley corporations on our lives. Some of…
Excavating a lost classic: Interview with Le Retour director, Daniel Goldenberg

by Mani Sharpe and Daniel Goldenberg Read the original interview in French Shot in 1959, Le Retour is a short film directed by Daniel Goldenberg, in collaboration with the ex-paratrooper, Yann le Masson, who was responsible for cinematography, alongside Georges…
Beckett and Embodiment: Body, Space and Agency – Q&A with the author

by Amanda M. Dennis Tell us a bit about your book. Beckett and Embodiment interrogates the strange, disconcerting representations of the human body across Samuel Beckett’s work. Such attention to the body and the varied forms it takes—often integrated with…
Scottish Education and Society Since 1945

by Lindsay Paterson Scottish education has often been celebrated as an international pioneer in many things – the opportunity to provide schooling for everyone in the sixteenth-century Reformation, resulting in widespread literacy that provided the social basis for the eighteenth-century…
Adam Smith and Scotland in the Age of Enlightenment

by Craig Smith 2023 is the 300th anniversary of the birth of Adam Smith. Smith is one of the very few writers whose name is genuinely famous all over the world. He is known as the father of economics, the…
Journalism under hybrid politics

by Kjetil Selvik, Jacob Høigilt Only a few years ago, Tunisia was the freest country in the Arab world, with a flourishing media scene. Journalists were scrambling to reinvent their role in the public sphere that emerged after the Jasmine…
Emotion, Mission, Architecture: Building Hospitals in Persia and British India, 1865-1914

by Sara Honarmand Ebrahimi How did patients feel when visiting mission hospitals built by British missionaries in Asia and Africa in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? I am preoccupied with this question in my book, Emotion, Mission, Architecture:…