Diversity of Digital Humanities in IJHAC

By the editors of IJHAC

IJHAC: A Journal of Digital Humanities has been published since 1989, initially under the name History and Computing. It is one of the longest running journals in digital humanities. Recently, the journal broadened its thematic scope and geographical impact. Our Editorial Board comes from 14 different countries, from all the continents, with experience in topics as diverse as history, literature, linguistics, environmental studies, urban studies, Asian Studies, Native American and Indigenous Studies, African Studies, gender studies, cultural heritage, and archaeology. The range of methodological expertise is also wide, with text analysis, spatial analysis, network analysis, databases, digital infrastructures, big data, digital pedagogy, digital curation, digital archives, and digital storytelling being prominent.

This virtual issue is available to access for free until 28 February 2024

With the Diversity of Digital Humanities in IJHAC: Exemplary Publications, 2012-2022 virtual special issue, available for download now, we want to show the global reach of the journal and give greater visibility to the diversity of digital humanities approaches that we have been publishing in the last decade. The articles presented here range from Linked Open Data to 3D reconstruction of historical sites, and include a critical review about Artificial Intelligence, an important contribution at a time when everyone is chatting about this topic. In addition to the emerging technologies that have captured the attention of our authors, the journal has a long commitment to spatial analysis methods, with examples that range from the spatial representation of the Holocaust to the introduction of disability studies in the classroom. This special issue also highlights digital research infrastructures, historical data repositories, and concerns about web archiving. Moreover, methodologies now consolidated in the digital humanities, such as xml annotation, network analysis, and crowdsourcing, are represented in several studies regarding music, movies, and literature.

We hope that this special issue will help you engage with our community of digital humanities authors. We look forward to continuing to publish your cutting-edge research in the near future. Enjoy!

Daniel, Ruth, Alexander, Emmanuel and Lik Hang, February 21st, 2023


IJHAC is one of the world’s premier multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed forums for research on all aspects of arts and humanities computing. The journal focuses both on conceptual and theoretical approaches, as well as case studies and essays demonstrating how advanced information technologies can further scholarly understanding of traditional topics in the arts and humanities.

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Edinburgh University Press
Edinburgh University Press
Articles: 162

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