• black and white picture of a chimney stack and a bell tower

C. S. Lewis and His Medieval Mirror

By Erik Eklund C. S. Lewis is best known for his introductory exposition of Christianity, Mere Christianity (1952), as well as his series of children’s books, The Chronicles of Narnia (1950–56), yet, notwithstanding his numerous theological works, his identity as…

Buddhism and Cinematic Technicity-Consciousness

By Victor Fan ‘Cinematic Imaging and Imagining through the Lens of Buddhism’ (from the latest issue of Paragraph) is one of my ‘test drives’ for a longer and more substantial project that seeks to reconfigure film and media philosophy by…

Covenants and Covenanting

By Neil McIntyre This month, The Scottish Historical Review publishes the first of a series of special issues that tackle key themes in Scottish History. ‘Covenants and Covenanting’ will showcase the latest research on the origins, impact and legacies of…

The Innes Review Turns 70

By John Reuben Davies Read the editorial introduction from The Innes Review: 70th Anniversary Virtual Collection, which is free to access on our site and contains over 40 free articles spanning 70 years of the The Innes Review‘s history. The…

Declaration of Human Fraternity 2019

Christians and Muslims: Friends or Foes?

Read on to explore the details behind writing the first and second edition of the fascinating study looking at the history of the relationship between Christians and Muslims – A History of Christian-Muslim Relations by Hugh Goddard. Twenty years ago…

Moral philosophy header

God in Aristotle’s Ethics

By Tom Angier Does ethics need religion? Do we need to believe in God to be good? These are standard questions in moral philosophy. Strangely, however, they are not asked about (arguably) the greatest philosopher in the Western tradition: namely,…